Notice that the result of this function is not assigned to an object name. Setting the working directory can eliminate path confusion. When specifying the pathname, R reads forward slashes, whereas Windows reads backward slashes. getwd() will print out the current directory.

I found a few recent posts describing similar problems on here. The problem must have to do with the R-version and not Rstudio, since I updated to newer Rstudio versions and the problem did not appear, as long as I keep running the older 4.1.3. However, with the most recent R-versions the special characters are "messed up", both in the Rstudio script files, and in the outputs of my shiny app. This dataset is coupled with a Shiny app for extracting different kinds of summary result tables, graphs and so on.Įverything worked fine up to and including R version 4.1.3. I am running a large dataset that has denominations of traits in either French or German, with lots of special characters. I am experiencing problems with special characters (accents, ¨, and so on) with the newer versions of R.