Updated by Paul DiSalvo on July 26, 2022: As an incredibly popular tribe that regularly receives powerful new cards in nearly every set, Dragon tribal decks are frequently given new options to explore. So today, we're going to examine the various potential Dragon-Tribal commanders from Magic The Gathering's history and see which are the strongest! As dragons have been part of Magic since the game's very first set, there are a litany of options for a Dragon-Tribal commander, each bringing something unique to the table and providing access to different colors. When it comes to powerful tribes, Dragon-Tribal decks aim to utilize impressive flying creatures to deal devastating damage to their opponents.

RELATED: Strongest Dimir Commanders In Magic: The Gathering Tribal decks aim to make use of cards that reward a player for including primarily cards of that given type and are often incredibly synergistic. One of the most commonly used deck types in Commander are tribal decks decks that are based around a given creature type. Magic: The Gathering's Commander format is incredibly diverse, allowing players to construct decks of countless archetypes that utilize a myriad of strategies.