The matching Line Guns had the same bonuses of reload speed and alt-fire damage, but the Forged Line Gun had an alt-fire bonus of 10% where the Hazard Line Gun had a bonus of 5%. The 10% healing bonus of the Hazard Engineering Suit was beaten by the 15% bonus of the Forged Engineering Suit.The primary advantage was the availability of the suits and weapons early on in the game and they are free, but when compared to the other packs and content already in the game, the only advantages that the Hazard Pack had are the Javelin Gun variant and the Ripper variant. Overall, the Hazard Pack was somewhat outclassed by content available in the standard game and the other packs available which was the Supernova Pack.The Hacker Suit & the matching Contact Beam are the only bonus content that you needed the Schematics for and that you need to pay for.The Hacker Suit & the matching Contact Beam could not be obtained normally on the PC version of the game, but could still be made available to use by hacking and loading it onto a save file.Dead Space 2: Severed was not available on the PC version of Dead Space 2 and could not be played.The Supernova Pack DLC was available for 400 Microsoft points or for $4.99 on PSN and was free on the PC version. This did not let you use the Rivet Gun in Multiplayer. If you did not pre-order Dead Space 2, the only way to get the Rivet Gun was to purchase the Supernova Pack DLC and use the Agility Rivet Gun.All DLC Packs in Dead Space 2 (Hazard Pack, Martial Law Pack, Supernova Pack) are made free on the PC version.Refurbished Plasma Cutter (Dead Space Content) Trivia